Is It Time to Hire a Writer? 5 Reasons to Get Outsourced Support for Content Now

How would you grade the quality, consistency, and effectiveness of your brand’s content? As a marketing leader, you likely know that content marketing experienced unprecedented growth. In 2021, companies increased content output by 70%. Many marketers even reported having higher budgets in 2021 than in previous years and fully expect their budget to continue to increase in 2022. 

However, despite offering larger budgets and newfound respect for the realm of content marketing and strategy, many companies have been slow to respond to the need to hire additional marketers. A survey conducted by the Content Marketing Institute found two-thirds of marketers experienced increased demand on their team without being provided additional team members to help balance the workload. 

Insufficient staffing puts your marketing team at risk. In a time when digital content is driving traffic, you can’t afford to lose marketing talent or miss out on the benefits of solid content. Here are five reasons you should hire a writer to help produce content and support your marketing team.

  1. Avoid Employee Burnout

    The number one reason you should hire a writer to help your marketing team next year is to help prevent burnout. Burnout is a type of stress that often manifests itself when employees are overworked or overburdened. Symptoms of burnout include a lack of motivation, irritability and impatience with coworkers or clients, struggling to concentrate, and being unsatisfied with your work or personal achievements. 

    Burnout is a serious threat to the team’s productivity and the quality of work they’re able to produce. It also creates job dissatisfaction, which could result in losing a valued member of your marketing team to a competitor in the industry. 

    Hiring an outsourced writer will help spread the workload evenly across team members so they can focus on the other parts of your marketing strategy without stressing about also having to produce high-quality content.

  2. Enjoy Better Working Hours

    Writing well takes time. Is it the best use of you and your team’s time and energy? Not only is working overtime hours emotionally taxing, it also negatively affects your health. A global study by the World Health Organization showed that working longer hours increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. They recommend employers cap work hours each week for employee health and safety. 

    You can reduce the number of overtime hours your marketing team is putting in each week by hiring an outsourced writer. (Or even better, with Comma, you have a team of talented writers!) This will help your marketing team focus on important marketing initiatives and keep them happy as employees.

  3. Produce More High Quality Content - Without Extra Stress

    One of the consequences of an understaffed marketing team is being perpetually behind schedule and missing deadlines. Or even worse, meeting the deadline but producing low-quality content. Unmet deadlines and unplanned rewrites cause significant delays that can hurt your content marketing strategy. 

    When you hire an experienced outsourced writer, you gain a professional who is focused on producing high-quality content. At Comma, our mission is writing “content worth reading,” and we take it very seriously. Every word counts to us! 

    Generally, professional writers produce content faster than the rest of your marketing team because they are focusing solely on writing instead of trying to write and juggle other tasks all at once. Hiring a dedicated writer will help ensure your marketing team produces engaging content on time, every time.

  4. Get Ahead on Future Content

    One of the best things about hiring a dedicated writer is that it opens up the possibility of getting a head start on future content. If deadlines are being met and the team is on schedule, you have more bandwidth to start producing content for next year. Just imagine how great it would feel to have all of your company blogs for next year written and finished before the year even starts. (We did this at Comma for 2022!)

  5. Maximize your Marketing Budget

    Depending on your marketing budget, you could hire a full-time, in-house writer or sign a contract with either a freelance writer or a professional content marketing agency. Whatever option you choose, your marketing team is sure to thank you for the extra help and added expertise.

Ready to save your marketing team from burnout? Contact Comma Copywriters today to schedule a free consultation. With Comma, you’re working with a team (because two brains are greater than one!) and our goal is to save you valuable time.